My pops
Posted by Brody
12:20 AM
I got to spend some time with my dad helping around the house today. I think that is one of the things that I miss the most about being in college...But it also one of the things that I took for granted while I lived in Commerce. But tonight was just good to work with him and take care of some things at the house. Looking back at this past week and seeing how the loss of a father effected a friend brought that reality front and center. My dad's dad passed away from a heart attack when he was in his mid 50's. I'm not ready for the same thing to happen to me. I don't think I cherish the times we have together enough, so I've started trying to find ways to have ample opportunities to share with him...he makes me laugh...just this weekend we were in Macon for my sister's summer missions orientation and he persisted to change into his "good clothes" in the middle of this church parking lot in Macon, despite my youngest sister's pleads to find a restroom. So there my dad was standing in his shibbies in the middle of a church parking lot in Macon, GA. And you can bet that as soon as that shindig was over that he had those pants off again and wearing his patented cargo shorts and Hawaiian shirt. That's my dad for ya. Love him to death.
I hope you cherish the moments you get with your pops...never know when they'll be gone.